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Friends Fellowship has various ways for you to serve. Explore the list below to see if one of our programs fits your desire to get involved. If you would like to learn more about one of our programs or have additional questions, please contact us at and we would be happy to assist. 



Bible Studies: Weekly in depth studies of God’s Word and its application to living life while gaining FREEDOM that only comes from Jesus.


Church Service: Monthly service conducted by volunteers and selected guests of Friend’s Fellowship in the prison Chapel.


Healing for Damaged Emotions: Intense group study, utilizing the book by David A. Seamands, to gain healing from emotional pain.


Walking the 12 Steps with Jesus: Intense group study, utilizing book by Ray Geisel, to gain recovery from an addiction.


Birthday Parties: Monthly celebrations that include cake, ice cream, and prizes.


Mentoring: Partnering with the Indiana Women’s Prison to provide mentors for women within the P.L.U.S. Unit


Outreach CommitteeAssist women on their re-entry back into society and to be a support to family members of incarcerated women in need. 



P.O. Box 20886

Indianapolis, IN 46220


© 2021 Tiffany Johnson


Phone: (317) 426-9319


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