What Friends Fellowship Means to Me
"God has given hands to Friends Fellowship to do His work today. Hands that have led me into a deeper relationship with Jesus. God has given feet to Friends Fellowship to lead women in His way. Feet that have always made a path to meet my needs for help and spiritual understanding. God has given a voice, faith-filled words to Friends Fellowship. A voice to tell people why and how He died. Voices that have planted in my heart His joy, His peace, His love for all people. Voices that have taught me the true meaning of being faithful. Voices of knowledge and encouragement. Friends Fellowship is God helping to lead us to His side. Help that has shown me no matter what I have said or done in the past, God will and has forgiven me, and will never stop loving me. By reading Philippians 4:13, which states, 'I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me,' and with a little help from Friends Fellowship, I want to be just like Roe, Ruth, Mary, Trae, and Joyce (Friends Fellowship volunteers) when I grow up! This is a very small part of what Friends Fellowship means to me."
Written with permission by "Norla" (Former inmate at Indiana Women's Prison.)
My Testimony
"I'll never forget the first time I attended Friends Fellowship Bible study. I was new at Indiana Women's Prison, and was lonely, depressed, and afraid. But when I walked into the Bible study, the feeling of love was overwhelming! Complete strangers were coming up to me, hugging me, and were truly interested in sharing their love and joy with me. From that first meeting, I have come to know Roe, Ruth, and the other wonderful ladies who devote their time to us women at IWP, and I have felt truly blessed. Being in prison is difficult for me, but I find that I can easily do my time because of my constant faith in Jesus. I know that He is my friend and is with me every step of the way. I also know that I have true friends right here with Friends Fellowship, and am so thankful for their support. I told my husband that when I leave here, one of the first things I want to do is visit Roe and Ruth's home church some Sunday."
Written with permission by Patty (Former inmate at Indiana Women's Prison)
Life Beyond the Fence
"I was released on October 14, 1993, and I have found that there is actually 'life beyond the fence.' It has been a real experience for me. I was greeted by 'friends' at 9:45 a.m. They greeted me with balloons and a lot of hugs. After my visit to my parole officer, I arrived at my new home. The Lord opend the door for me to live with Renee (Friends Fellowship volunteer and former board member) after meeting her through Friends Fellowship. And what a blessing this has been for me! Through Friends Fellowship I have grown closer to the Lord and have a much deeper relationship with Him. I am blessed to worship at Roe and Ruth's home church. Since being released, I have worked and also attended and graduated from school full time. I would not be where I am today if it were not for Friends Fellowship. They were there when I needed a true friend. They played such an important role in my life. I am very thankful for all that they have done for me and the other women at Indiana Women's Prison. Matthew 25:36b says, 'I was in prison, and ye came unto me.' This is what Friends Fellowship is doing. They give so much of their time and their energy for the inmates and for the ones who have also been released."
Written with permission from Teresa (Former inmate at Indiana Women's Prison.)
Friends Fellowship We Appreciate You
F aithful to God's call
R adiated God's love to all
I nspiration to carry on
E verlasting friend
N atural, you never put on airs
D ependable, when we need you, you're always there
S hares of your time, your lives and your love
F riend that sticks closer than a brother
E ternity we'll spend with one another
L aughter you bring to many sad situations
L ight of the Lord radiates through you to many dark places
O thers you put first before your own lives
W isdom you've gained, you share freely
S pirit-filled Christians is the role you fulfill
H ope you bring to a dismal world
I nitiative you take, when others tire
P recious in the Lord's eyes and in ours
Melody, on behalf of all the women at IWP and RCF (former inmate at Indiana Women's Prison)
P.O. Box 20886
Indianapolis, IN 46220
© 2021 Tiffany Johnson
Phone: (317) 426-9319
Email: wpmindy@gmail.com